National Qualitative Study

This Qualitative Study is designed to generate a more fulsome understanding of Black  entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship in Canada through the creation of evidence-based personas.

By embodying the details of a sub-group in a simplistic and straightforward manner, personas help unify scholars, policymakers, activists, and members of the subgroup around a common, shared perception of their challenges and opportunities. Developed through deep community engagement across the country, the generated BEKH personas will reflect the diverse experiences, common challenges, and unrealized opportunities encountered by Black entrepreneurs. This project will mobilize the created knowledge to the entrepreneurship ecosystem and train the next generation of Black social scientists.

Join a Focus Group!

Join us for a transformative journey as we delve into the heart of Black entrepreneurship in Canada.

This is more than a research endeavor - it's a movement towards empowering Black entrepreneurs in Canada through evidence-informed advocacy and reform.

Opportunity:  We are hosting a series of interactive focus groups with Black entrepreneurs across Canada. These one-hour sessions are available in person and online. 

Purpose: BEKH aims to generate a comprehensive understanding of Black entrepreneurship in Canada, helping Black entrepreneurs and partners in goverment and other sectors understand the challenges and opportunities faced by members throughout our communities. 

Outcomes: Led by researchers at the University of Alberta and with partners throughout the country, the project seeks to influence policies and programs tailed to the needs of Black entrepreneurs and to empower Black entrepreneurs to build community and a better future. 

Have questions about the Qualitative Study?

We’re happy to chat!

Reach out to our team here.